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Appraisal Process

The MDS Appraisal process is an annual process and should usually be undertaken between the months of July and September. All completed appraisals should be sent to

Your appraisal is an opportunity for you to take stock, to reflect on how you are doing in your role, to receive feedback on your performance and to gain clarity on what your next steps will be.

Appraisal helps employees to improve performance and contribute to the objectives of the kirk session or presbytery.

It is part of a continuous cycle, not an isolated once-a-year process. It’s about:

  • developing and maintaining a talented workforce;
  • improving effectiveness;
  • maintaining standards, by providing positive and constructive feedback;
  • identifying staff development needs; and
  • feeding into a cycle of ongoing continuous development.

Access all relevant documents in the policy carousel below.


MDS Policies

