Study Leave
Study Leave is an opportunity to undertake ministerial development as defined by you. We highly recommend a Ministerial Development Conversation (MDC) to help identify priorities and objectives. An MDC can be a really useful tool in many situations e.g. if you would like to take study leave, but are unsure how to make the most of that time; if you sense that a season of change lies ahead and would like to explore that confidentially with someone.
For full Scheme details please Click here. (Please note, we recommend planning your Study leave three months in advance and where a period of leave lasts for longer than four weeks or is outwith the UK, applications should be submitted at least six months in advance)
Study Leave allowance
As of 1st January 2023, the entitlement cap is 5 years roll over accumulation of 10 weeks (70 days) and £1375 (£275 x 5)
Study Leave cannot be used in the 12 months prior to retirement.
All expense claims and the Report must be submitted within 3 months of Study Leave.
The People and Training Team are responsible for ensuring that the fundamental aims of the Scheme are being satisfied in any new study proposals being put forward by ministers.
To apply, please complete the form below and email it to – StudyLeave@churchofscotland.org.uk
Study Leave application form 2024