Our Vision for Church of Scotland Learning
We long to see everyone, all the people of God, equipped for the mission of God.
This is about the whole of life and not just the hours people might spend in and around our church activities. Our vision is for everyone who considers themselves part of our Church to grow in confidence in what they believe and how that is lived out. We desire to see all of our people develop in their sense of purpose, gifting and call for their journey of faith. Some of those people will already be engaged in leadership; others will be willing and ready to step into roles and responsibilities. We’d love to partner well to equip them well for those things.
There is no tension between discipleship and mission – they belong together. When people are confident in following Jesus, they become able to feed their own faith and in time will be able to help others to do the same.
We have many people already serving others. Enabling them to explain their faith and take the Good News to these local communities will be dynamite!
This first set of modules from Church of Scotland Learning are offered with members of local congregations in mind. The level is introductory and accessible. We hope this will ignite people’s interest in learning more.
The second set of modules have some materials for those in leadership at local congregational level.
From September 2025, we expect to resource those training for, and deployed in, our national ministries.
We long for this to continue to be a collaboration – sharing ideas, resources, discerning future opportunities and needs. Your congregation or Presbytery may have good resources which could be shared with others using this platform. There may be obvious areas where training is required and we could plan together for how to respond. Take a good look at what became available in August 2024, and then get in touch on learning@churchofscotland.org.uk.
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