Please find the latest presentation regarding the Church of Scotland pension plan including where to go for help and guidance HERE
The Legal and General App is now available so you can manage your pension via your phone and can be downloaded on both Apple and Android.
Regular updates on pension matters are given by Legal and General throughout the year in the form of webinars. Information will be forwarded from Faith Action.
Please check your Pension Plan at least on a yearly basis as important documentation, including your Benefit Statement will be made available.
Information about your pension scheme
All eligible Ministers and other employees will be automatically enrolled into a Defined Contribution pension arrangement, administered through Legal and General. You will receive initial correspondence about this from the Payroll Team followed by a welcome pack from Legal and General.
Your Pension Plan and other information and useful documents can be accessed online here: Legal & General – Manage Your Account
If you have been a Church of Scotland Office Holder or employee for some time and are unable to locate your customer account number, please phone the L & G helpline on 0345 070 2628 and they can provide the reference number over the phone.
Please note that for the purposes of pensions, the Ministries Council and World Mission Council continue as part of the Faith Action structure.
Church of Scotland Death Benefit Trust, Expression of Wish Form
Church of Scotland Pension Plan, Change in Contributions Form