The Faith Action Programme have developed a scheme in order to assist Presbytery in their support of Candidates for our ministries. This scheme is called Formation Partnership.
The role of a Formation Partner is open to all – ordained and non-ordained – who we feel have the skills to offer this kind of support to candidates. Formation Partners will act as a ‘critical friend’ to a Candidate throughout their training. Formation Partners will provide a safe space for their Candidate to explore their experience of placements and studies in light of their faith and call to ministry. A Formation Partner also acts as a link to Presbytery for their Candidate. Additionally, Formation Partners will write an end of year report at the end of the Candidate’s academic year and represents Presbytery at the Candidate’s annual appraisal as an assessor.
The training course for this scheme is provided by the People & Training Team. As part of this training, we ask that all Formation Partners watch through these pre-recorded videos. Those we have identified as suitable to become involved can access whenever is suitable for them. There will also be two online sessions, one held in late Summer and early Spring, to allow Partners to share reactions and questions they may have, reflect on previous experience, and learn more information about the training process and their role in it.