I follow “the Far Side” on Facebook because I love the slightly weird, sometimes dark, humour.

David Clarkson, Minister - Edinburgh Barclay Viewforth


On my nightstand you will find …

A watch charger, a phone charger and an alarm clock.

A podcast I am listening to is

I haven’t got into podcasts yet but it’s on my to do list.

A book that has changed my life (other than the Bible) is

Whatever I’m reading at the time! Currently working through ‘Growing Young’ (Griffen, Mulder and Powell) because we’re working through the process and learning how to encourage, involve and empower young people in the congregation.

A TV show I binge watch

Long way up, the Blacklist, Bosch.

I follow — on—

I follow “the Far Side” on Facebook because I love the slightly weird, sometimes dark, humour.

Music that lifts my mood is­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

Modern worship music, Dire Straits, Queen or Rend Collective.

One thing I have learned about myself over the last few weeks is

That I love to trim and pull out branches of overgrown bushes in the garden – it’s much more satisfying than weeding!   So far I’ve found quarter of a patio, 5 footballs, 13 tennis balls and a golf club.