David Clarkson
View His StoryI follow “the Far Side” on Facebook because I love the slightly weird, sometimes dark, humour.
I am starting to feel more energised and normal again after a post Easter (and pandemic!) slump. I think I’m a’ good enough’ mum who has been able to encourage and let go during the assessment period for Nat5.
On my nightstand you will find … I’m currently reading and nearing the end of Lynda la Plante’s ‘Wrongful Death’.
A podcast I am listening to is … I tend to catch up on the Radio 4 News Quiz whilst tidying the house.
A book that has changed my life (other than the Bible) is … Surprised by Hope by Tom Wright helped me piece a lot of theological thoughts and spiritual intuitions together.
A TV show I binge watch … During the winter lockdown it was Line of Duty. I’m a big fan of the Great British Sewing Bee, but it’s sadly now finished again.
I only follow friends and colleague on Facebook and Instagram. I don’t like Twitter and don’t need reasons to get more worked up over stuff! I do read the BBC News website along with three other papers online.
Music that lifts my mood is… I don’t have ‘go to’ music for mood lifting, but if I’m very stressed or busy in my head, I like to put on Einaudi piano music. I find it soothing and calming.
One thing I have learned about myself during the past couple of weeks is… I am starting to feel more energised and normal again after a post Easter (and pandemic!) slump. I think I’m a’ good enough’ mum who has been able to encourage and let go during the assessment period for Nat5.