A 12 session online self led course exploring how to avoid or recover from burnout

Go on a journey today to explore how to live and work in healthy and holistic way, grounded in the wisdom of our Christian faith. We hope the course will provide challenge and inspiration to help you flourish, particularly in relation to your work.

The beautifully created course will allow you to:

  • Identify the signs of burnout in yourself and others;
  • Embed practices to help you heal from, or avoid, burnout;
  • Reflect on a Christian response to burnout and find a healthy work-life balance.

You will receive:

  • A prayerful and inspiring web based journey through the wisdom of faith and science content that is deeply interconnected with the realities of life;
  • Biblical reflections on burnout;
  • Anti-burnout practices based on the latest research from science and psychology;
  • Bonus GoHealth podcast content;
  • Prayers and blessings for yourself and others;
  • The ability to return the course whenever you are in need of a refresher!

What does it mean to ‘Burn like stars’?

When the Apostle Paul exhorted to the Philippians to ‘shine like stars in the world’ (Philippians 2: 15) he probably didn’t appreciate just how apt the metaphor of stars would be for our fast paced, always-on society. To shine like stars is to remain energised, to consistently burn on, when so many are burning out.

The capacity of a star to keep burning is determined by what happens deep in their interiors, in what comes from the centre of their being.


At a time when even world leaders are stepping down because they ‘no longer have enough in the tank’ (Jacinda Ardern),  this GoHealth series to help us all avoid or recover from burnout.

**This course is suitable for FFY and Study Leave funding with the appropriate application**