Vital Connexions offer training in Integrative Counselling from a Christian perspective.

Their new Relationship Coaching programme aims to revitalise, restore and renew your relationships. The online course is prerecorded so you can approach it in your own time.

Module 1 – Attachment and the Couple Relationship – in this module we will look at Interventions and insights from Sue Johnson (Hold Me Tight) Conversations around A.R.E., Demon Dialogues, Raw Spots, Revisiting Rocky Moments, Engaging and Connecting, Forgiving Injuries and Bonding through Sex and Touch.

Module 2 – Understanding how to get the love you want and need in relationships based on the work of Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt. The Conscious and Unconscious at work within relationships, unfinished childhood experience, power struggles, relationship styles and defence strategies within the Relational space. Expressing Appreciations and Frustrations, The power of a Shared Relationship Vision and Re-romanticising relationships.

Module 3 – Introducing the amazing work of John and Julie Gottman Interventions and insights including- Love Maps, Relational pollutants, Solvable and Unsolvable Problems, 7 conversations to make Marriage work based on some of John Gottman’s research.

Module 4 – Affair Recovery and A Good Goodbye It is a sad reality that not every marriage works. Helping couples process when the end of the road has come so that their children can live safely in the space and so that they can move on without bitterness. Helping couples to talk safely about the practical and emotional issues of sexual expression and helping individuals who have been hurt in this area.

The Course contains didactic teaching, media presentations of couples working with a relationship coach – and lots of fun and energy!

Each module is £150
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