• These words of wisdom will help bring relief to many…

“As inconvenience quickly rolls into major disruption, it’s starting to become clear that it’s not a simple matter of things getting back to normal after COVID-19. There will be a new normal, but it will be different.

It’s ok to feel a sense of grief for the plans and dreams that have now been shelved (or have just come crashing down around you). It’s ok to pause for a moment, to acknowledge the sense of loss (and allow yourself to cry if you need to), before trying to map out your best next steps in this fog of uncertainty.

The past few months have been a time of high anxiety, and I think we need to allow ourselves to acknowledge the emotion of it all. It’s healthy to do so.

Please do reach out to those around you: we need to stay connected. Please also be ready and available to sit with someone in their grief as we try to process these extraordinary events together.” Josh Dowton.