I read a quote this week that I have been reflecting on:

“Your ability to navigate and tolerate change and its painful uncomfortableness directly correlates to your happiness and general well-being….If you can surf your life rather than plant your feet, you will be happier.”  Amy Poehler

Over the past four months we have definitely had to learn to lead without the security of solid ground which held many of us before.  The challenge for those in ministry has not only been to learn to “surf” the unknown and the new, but also to encourage those we lead to come on the journey with us.  Some of us love change, and some of us hate it. Either way, to lead through transition well it will likely take a healthy and honest level of self awareness about our response to change. How we respond can either build faith or fear in those alongside us.

We want to remind you all that a Ministerial Development Conversation (MDC) is available for anyone in Ministry who wants to take time to:

  • Reflect on you: My Role
  • Take stock of your current appointment: My Ministry
  • Create clarity, supporting you to think through what your next steps may be: My Future
  • Take action and be empowered to do so.

The conversation is a space set aside for you to explore what you need for the challenges of ministry today.  To find out more and to look at our list of facilitators and book yours today please visit:


Our facilitators are ready to meet with you online.