Event Details


Martin Hall, New College, The University of Edinburgh Mound Place Edinburgh EH1 2LX


24 April 2025 09:00 - 17:00 BST


Ticket: free

About the Event

Join us as we explore the connections between Classical Studies and Biblical Studies in collaboration with CSCO.

Date and time

Thu, 24 Apr 2025 09:00 – 17:00 BST


Martin Hall, New College, The University of Edinburgh

Mound Place Edinburgh EH1 2LX

About this event

  • Event lasts 8 hours

We would like to invite all HCA and Biblical Studies Postgraduate Students and Faculty to a day conference hosted by the Centre for the Study of Christian Origins.

Description: This collaborative conference, bringing together perspectives from Biblical Studies and Classics, will take place on Thursday, 24 April 2025 in Martin Hall, New College, University of Edinburgh. We warmly welcome anyone interested in exploring the rich intersections between these fields and look forward to fostering an engaging and fruitful dialogue. The day conference will consist of:

  • Free tea, coffee, and lunch
  • Student Paper Presentations
  • Career Development Q&A
  • Keynote Lecture from Dr. James Corke-Webster

Call for Papers: We invite HCA and School of Divinity postgraduate students to submit paper abstracts for the upcoming interdisciplinary conference, “Between Athens and Jerusalem: Classical Studies and Christian Origins in Dialogue.” We invite any papers relevant to the study of early Christianity and the world that it was born into—relevant topics include the cultural, literary, and social frameworks of the ancient Mediterranean world; relevant Greco-Roman history and politics up to the 4th century CE; and innovative methodologies to better bridge the two fields.

As collaboration between Classics and Biblical Studies is one of the event’s highest aims, we hope that presenters will not only share their research, but also communicate why it is relevant to both fields to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration between the University’s Schools of HCA and Divinity.

Those who would like to present a paper at the conference should submit the following by Sunday, 30 March 2025 via email:

  • name of researcher
  • programme of study
  • paper abstract (max of 200 words)

Both Master’s and PhD students are encouraged to apply but preference will be given to doctoral candidates. All who submit will be notified by Wednesday, 9 April 2025 about their abstract.

For conference-related enquiries please contact: cscostudentdayconference@uoe.onmicrosoft.com

For registration-related enquiries please contact: divinity.news@ed.ac.uk