Our church is a broad and diverse one, spanning rural and urban communities. More than 40% of parishes are classified as rural, and along with our colleagues in the Congregational Learning Team, we are keen to share some of their Good News stories.

The Rural Working Group

The Church of Scotland supports and resources rural congregations through the Rural Working Group. The work of the group is carried out by Council members and co-opted individuals who have insights and interest in the rural context. The remit of the group is:

  • To identify and raise the profile of the needs of rural congregations and presbyteries
  • To identify and enable engagement with the ministry and missional opportunities found in rural areas
  • To identify and signpost specific rural resources
  • To facilitate involvement with and arrangement of regional and/or national events with a rural focus
  • To provide advice on specific queries directed to the Church on rural issues
  • To liaise with the Scottish Churches Rural Group to ensure appropriate ecumenical co-operation

The Church of Scotland Rural Working Group works within the Church’s Congregational Learning Team. Contact Hannah Sanderson, who is pleased to hear from anyone with an interest in rural church.