A full and comprehensive theological unpacking of all of the main issues related to violence against women Living-a-theology.
This short document gives a helpful understanding of what violence against women is and the scale of the problem within our society –Violence against women. In 2020 the number of charges for domestic abuse crimes in Scotland rose to its highest level in four years. The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) also said the proportion of cases resulting in court proceedings was at a six-year high. This document unpacks what we really mean when we speak about domestic violence. Domestic Abuse The report ‘In Churches Too. Church Responses to Domestic Abuse – A Case Study of Cumbria’ (it includes a CoS congregation in the findings) is rich in information and learning for the church. A broader, UK focus is found in this report Women’s Experiences of Violence and Abuse – Victim Focus Study Taking time to read this will help us face the full extent of the problem. This strong and emotive film gives an insight into the harassment many young women face on a regular basis Hopscotch a film by Roxana Vilk based on a poem by Nadine Aisha. |