Another option to consider is to have a virtual meeting using videoconferencing software such as Zoom, Skype or Teams. This will allow much more interaction than livestreaming, with people able to see each other if using webcams, speak to each other, and to type into the chat box. We would strongly encourage this as an option for services, Bible studies, prayer gatherings and pastoral conversations.
• Zoom is widely considered one of the more stable platforms for group meetings. It is free for 1-1 meetings or for groups up to 40 mins with paid versions allowing more features. It doesn’t require a login, and people can also phone-in to the meeting allowing those who don’t have access to the internet to join you.
• You can download a guide to using Zoom from the Priority Areas Team who use it regularly and they will also be holding webinars on how to use this and you can sign up to these by email