National Ministers’ Conference Thursday, 27th February 2025 2pm – 9pm

Murrayfield Stadium, Conference Centre, Roseburn Street, Edinburgh, EH12 5PJ

The Church is asking for Ministers to be courageous leaders grounded in good theology and guided by the Holy Spirit. This is who we are and who God has called us to be. However, the last few years have taken their toll, and many don’t feel that this is where we’re presently at.

We want to gather for a day of worship, God’s word, prayer and encouragement. There is something powerful, and at times even profound, when those who may be struggling come before God with no other agenda than to worship Him so that He comes to minister to us.

Such a day could be significant for us; it could be significant for our church; and it could be a significant day for God’s purposes in our nation and nations.

So, on behalf of The Moderator of The General Assembly, FAPLT, as well as The General Trustees and Assembly Trustees, we would like to invite all serving parish, assistant, interim and transition Ministers to join us on Thursday 27 February 2025 at Murrayfield Stadium Conference Centre.

The day will run from 2pm-9pm with a break to enable us to share in a meal together. Our hope is that these times will make it easier for people to travel. (Registration will open at 1pm)

Sign up for the conference here:

The Programme for the conference is here: National Minister’s Conference Programme.pdf

And further details can be found here: NMC 25.02.27 Conference Details.docx