This is a reminder that the current round for applications for our larger grants will be closing at 5pm on 19 March. This is for Level 3 (£40,000/year max. for up to 3 years initially) and Level 4 (£100,000/year max. for up to 3 years initially) Grants. Lower level grants can be applied for at any time.

There is a two-stage application process for these larger grants, both stages need to be completed by 5pm on 19 March.

First stage: fill in and return the Initial Proposal Form

Second stage: once we have received and reviewed the Initial Proposal Form we will then:

  • For Level 3 applications: provide feedback along with the full application paperwork which you will then need to return by 5pm on 19 March 2025, or suggest an alternative course of action such as applying for a lower level grant.
  • For Level 4 applications: arrange an initial conversation with members of the Seeds For Growth Committee, followed by requesting the submission of a detailed plan (again which needs to be returned by 5pm on 19 March), or suggest an alternative course of action such as applying for a lower level grant.

Here is the link for the Guidelines for Level 3 applications which may help you to understand what Seeds For Growth will fund and what we will be looking for in the full forms.

If you want a chat about an idea, I have blocked out the afternoons in my diary next week (10–14 Feb) so feel free to call me on 0131 376 5846 or suggest a time for a Teams call via

Don’t forget, both stages need to be completed by 5pm on 19 March 2025 to be included in this round.

Many thanks


David Williams | Grants Manager | Research & Design Team | Office of the Assembly Trustees
The Church of Scotland 

121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN | Direct Tel: +44 (0)131 376 5846 | Switchboard: +44 (0)131 225 5722 | Email:



Seeds for Growth