Over the past year, the Church of Scotland Learning and Stewardship teams have been collaborating to bring the stewardship resource ‘A Narrative of Generosity’ to a wider audience through the Church of Scotland Learning platform.
Stewardship has been using ‘A Narrative of Generosity’ with congregations over a number of years and with a new home on Church of Scotland Learning the resource becomes accessible to everyone within a congregation, minister and member alike. Our shared value of equipping people to live out the mission of God in their context has allowed us to create a space designed to inform, encourage and equip everyone in their Christian journey as they explore what stewardship and generosity might look like.
‘A Narrative of Generosity’ encourages the sharing of stories, allowing participants to reflect on Christian stewardship and prompt a response of action. It’s easy to think of stewardship as just about money however, stewardship is much wider than that and this resource helps us take the next steps in our exploration of generosity across the whole of our lives.
Within the Stewardship Area on Church of Scotland Learning, you will have access to a variety of resources enabling you to introduce any of the 12 themes of ‘A Narrative of Generosity’ in your local context.
Each of the themes: God; Generations; Relationships; Time; Volunteers; Gifts; Money; Possessions; Earth; Body; Mind; and Vision is accompanied by a broad range of materials including Bible studies, personal devotionals, worship starters and Intergenerational resources.
These wide-ranging and flexible materials can be used to support congregations and individuals in their stewardship journeys, to help them recognise and respond to God’s generosity in all areas of life, and to sustain and develop God’s continuing mission in the world.
Accompanying the Narrative of Generosity resources is a new short module, “Facilitating A Narrative of Generosity”, which is designed to equip and enable anyone wishing to facilitate the resources in their local congregational context. It includes filmed teaching from the Stewardship Team with reflections and activities to guide people as they explore the practicalities of planning and running their own session.
On Thursday 30th January, Stewardship and members of the Church of Scotland Learning hosted a “Live” event on Church of Scotland Learning, introducing the Narrative of Generosity resource and allowing people to hear more about the background to the material and the vision for its use. Pauline Wilson, from Stewardship, commented “I would love to see the Narrative of Generosity being used to spark conversations, to inspire ideas and creativity, and to encourage more people to get involved within the life of the church.”
If you weren’t able to be at this event, a recording is now available on Church of Scotland Learning. It is an ideal way to start exploring this valuable resource.
The Church of Scotland Learning Platform is available via this sign up link or you can read more about it HERE.
Church of Scotland Learning – learning@churchofscotland.org.uk
Stewardship – stewardship@churchofscotland.org.uk
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