Global Intergenerational Week takes place from 24-30th April 2023.  This annual campaign run by Generations Working Together (in which the Church of Scotland is a partner) seeks to connect people of different generations in intentional, mutually beneficial activities.

This year’s theme is Mix and Mingle, and organisations are encouraged to host an event which brings generations together to get to know one another better.  More information and the opportunity to register your event can be found here:  This is a great opportunity for congregations to host an event to encourage different generations in both church and community to get to know one another.

To help with this, the Stewardship Team has put together Exploring Generosity, a collection of over 200 ideas for intergenerational activities on the themes of God, Earth, Time, Vision and Possessions which could be used to host a Mix and Mingle event and promote the sharing of faith across generations.  These can be downloaded from Insite ( or requested from