Pauline Steenbergen
On my nightstand you will find … ‘Embody Lent in 29 Yoga Postures’ by Iona Books. And my Mum’s NIV Bible (she died in Lockdown 1). The Iona Community Prayer Book and ‘Jesus The Teacher Within’ by Lawrence Freeman. Plus, a blank journal and pen. I write down 3 gratitude’s before sleep or if I wake in the night.
A podcast I am listening to is … Nomad – ‘Hope Filled Conversations’
A book that has changed my life (other than the Bible) is …every new book I open has that potential. Too hard to choose! But ‘Maranatha Yoga’ by Christine Pickering 2019 set me on the path of pioneering and leading a UK wide Fresh Expression www.maranathayoga.org.uk
A TV show I binge watch …Sacred Islands with Ben Fogle on iplayer.
I follow ‘Christians Practising Yoga’ on instagram because their teachers and resources are inspirational for my Monday to Friday ministry limegreenyogi.co.uk
Music that lifts my mood is…any ambient instrumental vibes on Spotify and Calming Christian channel. Especially Audrey Assad.
One thing I have learned about myself during the past couple of weeks is…
Jesus said to me in a time of meditation recently…
”Never forget how brave it is to continue to show up in a story that looks so different than what you thought it would be.” I started out as a parish minister, ordained into a charge age 27 in Dundee. I’m living in Cumbria now, pioneering Yoga intersected with Christian Spirituality. Not my plan 28 years ago. It’s definitely brave. But there are so many people of all ages in Yoga classes; seeking, Christ curious, lapsed from churches, or completely unfamiliar with who Jesus is and the gospels. I teach all faiths and none. My two yoga mats are laid out in the shape of the cross. I invite people to be still, meditate or pray at the end of the class. This leads to encounters which are both pastoral and missional.
Psalm 27:14 ‘Take heart and wait for the LORD. Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD. Wait for the LORD; be strong.’