Event Details




24 October 2024 1 - 2pm GMT+1


Ticket: Free

About the Event


Learn to see feedback as a valuable tool rather than a dreaded confrontation.

Date and time


Thursday, October 24 · 1 – 2pm GMT+1




About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

It’s the F-word at work: feedback.

Anyone who leads a project, manages other people, or enacts a policy is going to have to do it. For Christians already doing their best to love their colleagues, the prospect of upsetting those we work with can feel deeply uncomfortable. And if you’re new to workplace leadership, it can feel especially daunting.

Yet feedback is an inevitable – and essential – component of acting as a workplace leader. It takes many forms: from offering constructive criticism on a piece of work, to talking through annual reviews, or even disciplinary conversations. But in whatever context feedback is given, it’s a powerful tool to foster the development of others, and one that younger Christian leaders especially need to harness to do their best work, and bring out the best in others.

In this one-hour webinar, LICC’s Emerging Leaders team is partnering with consultancy Resurgo to present a coaching approach to feedback that will redefine both your understanding and approach to this crucial workplace dynamic.

We’ll work through a case study, explore the biblical foundations of good feedback, and offer practical techniques that you can begin applying immediately. There’ll be time for Q&A, and by the end of this session you’ll understand how to transform feedback from a cause of anxiety to a catalyst for improvement, reflecting the character of Christ as you do it.

This webinar is aimed primarily at Christians stepping into their first management and team leadership roles, but open to any workplace leaders wanting to live, work, and lead as whole-life disciples.