MDS Staffing Approval Process information documents and forms for completing and returning.

A summary of the process is as follows:

  • A Staffing Request Approval Panel has been scheduled to meet every two months if MDS funding is available. (Appendix 2 – Key Dates).
  • All applications must be sent from the Presbytery email address with the approval of the Presbytery Clerk for consideration of approval. All correspondence thereafter will also be sent to this email address.
  • The three essential documents must all be submitted at the point of application. Appendix 3 – MDS Staffing Request Form, Appendix 4 – Job Description &
    Person Specification and Appendix 5 – Pre-Appointment Health & Safety Check Sheet.
  • Please ensure that you have discussed the Job Description & Person Specification (Appendix 4) with an HR colleague prior to submitting the application. This will ensure all necessary preparations are in place to move the recruitment to the next stage of advertising the post, should approval be granted.
  • All applications must be sent to the email address This will ensure all applications are processed consistently and clear records can be kept.
  • Please read through the Guidance Notes and FAQs (Appendix 6) before making an application.
  • This process will be adapted and developed as required as it is rolled out.

The table below corresponds to each of the MDS Staffing Approval Process documents in the MDS Policies and Guidelines section of Ascend. Please complete the THREE essential documents to submit your application to

Document Title Essential Document
MDS Staffing Request Guidance Notes For Information. Please read before submitting application.
Presbytery Clerk Email 1 October 2020 For Information.
Principles of Planning For Information.
MDS Staffing Request Flowchart (Appendix 1) For Information.
Key Dates (Appendix 2) For Information.
MDS Staffing Request Form (Appendix 3) For completing and returning to Presbytery Clerk.
Job Description (Appendix 4) For completing and returning to Presbytery Clerk.
Pre-Appointment Health & Safety Check (Appendix 5) For completing and returning to Presbytery Clerk.
FAQs (Appendix 6) For Information.

Thank you, from the Partnership and Development Team